First and foremost Fumus et Ratio is a catholic organization of individuals who seek to enjoy the arts of tobacco. More important than the cigars or the pipes is the company in which we come together. The opportunity to share one’s faith, ideas, and experiences among various individuals becomes easier with the commonality of the shared enjoyment of tobacco. The mission of Fumus et Ratio is to cultivate a unique and inclusive community among university students, faculty, and board members through the camaraderie fostered by the enjoyment of cigars and pipes. Grounded in the theological concept of "faith and reason," Fumus et Ratio aims to provide a platform for individuals to engage in meaningful discussions, share their faith, ideas, and experiences, and foster personal connections within a Catholic framework.
The mission of Fumus et Ratio is to cultivate a unique and inclusive community among university students, faculty, and board members through the camaraderie fostered by the enjoyment of cigars and pipes. Grounded in the theological concept of "faith and reason," Fumus et Ratio aims to provide a platform for individuals to engage in meaningful discussions, share their faith, ideas, and experiences, and foster personal connections within a Catholic framework.
"Leisure, Labor and the Leaf" is September 13th. We are flying in Alan Harrelson to join Dr. Lendman and Dr. Crawford for a panel discussion. Most of the C-suite and trustees will be present. It's awesome. We will also be hosting Roger Stone for an event this year (Donald Trump's best friend) as well as Dave Durand, Dan Guernsey, Shawn Carney, Matt Fradd, and Michael Knowles over the next two years. Get ready. It's awesome.
Members of the club should attend the events provided with an open attitude. If a particular member does not contribute to or goes against the mission of Fumus et Ratio then their membership will be removed.