Dorm Wars! Saturday, February 22nd, join your fellow residents in the quest for dorm supremacy!
What is Dorm Wars?
Dorm Wars is an annual AMU tradition consisting of a series of competitions between all the dorms.
Dorm Wars takes place on SATURDAY, February 22nd with several events throughout the day.
Each dorm has its own theme for you to dress up and have fun! See your RA for more details on your dorm’s theme!
What time?
Dorm Wars will start promptly at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, February 22nd in the quad area by the dorms.
Be sure to meet up in your dorm’s lobby beforehand to prepare!
All events will be finished by 3:30 p.m.
Main Events will Include:
The Roast, Tug-O-War, Campus Race, Donut-On-A-Rope, Egg Toss, and everyone’s favorite…Synchronized Swimming!
How to get involved??
Sign-Up sheets will be posted on each RA office door by next Friday.
Sign-up for your preferred event and show up to represent your dorm.
What does the winning dorm receive?
The dorm who scores the most total points will be crowned Dorm Wars Champion!
The winning dorm will receive custom T-shirts, a pizza party, and hold on to the coveted Dorm Wars Trophies!
Ask an RA and/or look for posters in the residence halls!
May the best dorm win!